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SUPPLY-EASYTM Wholesale Distribution System

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Supply-EASYTM includes many unique and significant features that increase your company’s efficiency and profitability.  The features are grouped into business activity modules that interact seamlessly.  SUPPLY-EASYTM is cost effective; you can acquire only the modules that best support your enterprise.


  • The Order and Billing module manages your company’s sales orders and billing. This module helps you process your customers’ orders quickly, accurately, and efficiently.
  • The Quotations module manages your company’s quotations.  This module improves customer service and helps expedite sales.
  • The Requisitions module creates requisitions from customer sales orders.  This module helps eliminate human errors and the possibility of losing customer back orders.
  • The Counter Sales module manages your company’s retail sales.  This module helps you process walk-in and cash sales as easily as sales orders.
  • The Sales Analysis module tracks which inventory items are moving and analyzes their activity.  This module helps you understand and grow your business.
  • The Accounts Receivable module tracks your customers’ outstanding invoices. This module organizes your handling of receivables, streamlines your cash flow, and improves your bottom line.
  • The Inventory Control module maintains optimum inventory and controls warehouse space when and where you need it.  This module increases your market reach while maximizing the use of your staff.
  • The Purchase Orders module manages your company’s purchases.  This module enhances your ability to respond quickly to your customers’ needs.
  • The Accounts Payable module controls your cost allocation, vendor payments, and cash management.  This module ensures that payments to vendors are justified, accurate, and made on time.
  • The Payroll module controls your company’s payroll processing issues.  This module helps you meet government requirements and provides instant access to employee information.
  • The General Ledger module manages your company’s financial affairs.  This module provides a comprehensive picture of your company’s financial situation, a valuable tool for timely management decisions.
  • The packing list system allows you to generate packing lists for customer orders and track them by shipping number such as UPS tracking number.
  • Credit Card Processing (including Level III)
  • Track all your service tickets by customer information and bill them directly.
  • Load trucks and track all truck inventory and bill customers from the truck.

Web-Based System

SUPPLY-EASY™ is web-based. Your clients can view their orders, your inventory, packing lists, and other important data about their orders in real time. Clients (and your sales, warehouse, and office staff) can access data safely and easily anywhere in the world, as if they were sitting in your office. SUPPLY-EASY™ keeps your company open for business 24 hours every day. Appropriate levels of secure access to data can be provided to clients and staff instantly, at your discretion.

Program Generator

The SUPPLY-EASYTM Program Generator lets you pro­duce custom inquiries and reports quickly and easily for your clients and your staff—without the expense of hir­ing a computer programmer—by pointing and clicking on any field on the screen. The Program Generator signifi­cantly reduces your monthly computer expenses.

Windows Interface

SUPPLY-EASYTM is integrated with Microsoft® products seamlessly, letting you send data directly to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and your e-mail program or fax program. With SUPPLY-EASYTM, any document or report can be sent to Microsoft Windows® programs (such as Word), then e-mailed or faxed to any client. Data can be created and sent just as easily and quickly in EDI format or PDF format.

Computer Environment

Our systems run in virtually any Windows environment client, server or networks. They also run on LINUX, UNIX and many proprietary operating systems. They can be hosted and integrated on CLOUD environments and they provide PRIVATE CLOUD environments.