Fastest, most reliable problem resolution and repair (including data recovery)

You get immediate response from WORLDWIDE. We support and maintain all your software, hardware, network, internet, operating system, office tools and much more, all with one phone call. No need to waste your time calling different computer companies to get support for different components of your system. We also do CLEAN ROOM DATA RECOVERY.

Key Benefits

  • Round-the-clock service anywhere
  • Fast, reliable hardware repair


Our software engineers are available to answer questions and resolve difficulties 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most situations can be handled easily off-site, working directly from our offices to your computer network, using the Internet. All of our software systems are INTERNET ENABLED, making it possible for us to operate our software at any customer site over the INTERNET no matter where the customer is located in the World. This gives you immediate response.

We also do data recovery of all kinds of applications, such as e-mail, Excel , word documents, operating systems and much more.

Our staff is composed of the most talented minds in the industry, with intensive hands-on experience to their credit. At Worldwide, you get the best software, hardware, and hardware repair for your computers.